Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project Brief - CLME+ HUB

Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project Brief

This Document is makes a brief description of The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions (CLME). This is Project is a 4 year Global Environment Facility (GEF) intervention, which officially started in May 2009. The Project Implementing Agency is the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with IOC of UNESCO. The Executing Agency is the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The project is administered from a small Project Coordination Unit (CLME PCU) located in the offices of IOCARIBE, IOC of UNESCO, in Cartagena, Colombia. Project partners include 23 GEF-eligible countries, 2 associated countries and a considerable number of organizations from the region. The CLME Project assists countries of the wider Caribbean to improve the regional governance & management of shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) - most of which are considered to be fully or over exploited. In order to do so, the project follows the standard GEF approach under the “International Waters” Focal Area, which consists of the preparation, and regional and national-level endorsement, of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP).

Author: CLME PCU
       9         1                 Report issue

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