CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: Coordinating Mechanisms for Strengthening Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean Region - CLME+ HUB

CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: Coordinating Mechanisms for Strengthening Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean Region

Ocean governance in the Caribbean is comprised of a diversity of networks of actors serving various purposes and have competing and conflicting interests. The CLME+ SAP explicitly identifies weak governance as one of the main root causes of ongoing degradation of the marine environment. The first three strategies of the SAP focus on strengthening regional mechanisms for governance. Under the CLME+ Project two interim Coordination Mechanisms were created with a third long-term coordinating mechanism being negotiated at the time of writing. There have also been discussions on formalising a wide-ranging partnership for integrated governance. This experience note highlights the different regional coordination mechanisms created and proposed under the CLME+ SAP that can be viewed as best practices for strengthening ocean governance in the CLME+ region.

Year: 2020
Keywords: C-SAP, governance
       6                          Report issue

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