CRFM Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification and Analysis of the Large Pelagic Fishery in the Wider Caribbean - CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2012 / 9 - CLME+ HUB

CRFM Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification and Analysis of the Large Pelagic Fishery in the Wider Caribbean – CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2012 / 9

The large pelagic fishery is one of the most highly exploited in the region and has one of the more complex governance structures. Several organisations are involved in management including the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) that manages all species of commercial and nutritional value to the region. Not all Caribbean States are members of ICCAT. There is therefore no harmonised governance of the fishery.

Year: 2012
Author: CRFM Secretariat
       3                          Report issue

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