GEF Guidance Documents to Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services - CLME+ HUB

GEF Guidance Documents to Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services

The Guidance Document is a reference source and a guide for GEF IW projects and contains step-by-step guidance on the economic valuation of ecosystem services of inland and marine "wet" ecosystems, with a focus on easily applicable and pragmatic valuation approaches. The guidance is usable for both screening and in-depth analyses, and supports the stepwise process leading from Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) to the Strategic Action Programme (SAP).

Besides, the Guidance Document contains templates for reports, ToRs for experts to support the valuation work, a checklist for the valuation itself, and a full set of training materials including exercises for a better understanding of crucial steps in the economic valuation methodologies.

Year: 2019
Author: GEF
       9                          Report issue

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