Gouyave Fishermen Cooperative Society Limited: Fisherfolk taking the lead in co-management of the Gouyave Marine Protected Area, Grenada 2019 - CLME+ HUB

Gouyave Fishermen Cooperative Society Limited: Fisherfolk taking the lead in co-management of the Gouyave Marine Protected Area, Grenada 2019

This case study aims to enhance knowledge about innovations and best practices currently being utilised by civil society organisations (CSOs) and their partners in the Caribbean that can be applied to support conservation, restoration and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources in marine protected areas (MPAs) and marine managed areas (MMAs). It has been developed under the regional project ‘Powering Innovations in Civil Society and Enterprises for Sustainability in the Caribbean (PISCES) which is being funded by the European Union EuropeAid programme and is being implemented over a three-year period (2017 to 2020). PISCES is taking place in 10 countries: Antigua and Barbuda; The Bahamas; Dominica; Grenada; Haiti; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; and Trinidad and Tobago.

Year: 2019
Author: CANARI
       4                          Report issue

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