Introducing the Barbados & OECS Blue Economy Accelerator Lab
UNDP Barbados & the OECS is pleased to officially introduce the “Blue Economy and Sustainable Management of Ocean Degradation Lab” (the Blue Lab). The Blue Lab is part of the UNDP Accelerator Labs initiative, the world’s largest and fastest learning network that UNDP is building to address development challenges in the new era where changes are happening rapidly.
The primary objective of the Blue Lab is to promote out-of-the-box thinking and experimentation to support Small Island Developing States (SIDS), with a focus on Caribbean countries, in the sustainable development of its ocean-based economic sectors.
The Blue Lab is being established at a crucial moment. Today’s changes are happening faster, and our challenges are more complex. As such, new solutions are needed. In that context, through the work of the Blue Lab, we are expecting to generate greater protection of the marine environment, develop environmentally-friendly public policies, increase blue economy businesses, create breakout research and spark innovation that protects the ocean.