Locals speak: Vulnerability of women's livelihoods and welfare to climate change in the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA) - CLME+ HUB

Locals speak: Vulnerability of women’s livelihoods and welfare to climate change in the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA)

The Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (C-CAM) developed this photostory to highlight and share local knowledge on coastal marine environmental issues in the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA). The focus of the photostory highlights the vulnerability of women’s livelihoods and welfare to climate change in the PBPA. The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute provided support to C-CAM on the development of the photostory under the regional PISCES project. Using the local knowledge gathered via a recent workshop facilitated by C-CAM on January 26 2021, C-CAM collated the information from the workshop and other related work in the PBPA, showcasing some of the key issues faced by local women related to climate change as well as suggestions for improvement. Key issues pointed out by local women in the workshop include risks of loss of life, houses, income and livestock, damage to mangroves, food shortages due to drought and price increase of food supplies following natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations for addressing impacts from climate change include improving education and awareness, enhancing and diversifying livelihoods, improving water security, shelter and waste management as well as planning and enforcement.

Year: 2021
Author: C-CAM
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