NBS Financing Mechanisms for Mangrove Conservation - CLME+ HUB

NBS Financing Mechanisms for Mangrove Conservation

This report provides a strategic assessment of financing mechanisms potentially available to a Conservation International (“CI”) project to protect mangroves in the North Brazilian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (“NBS-LME"). While the protection and sustainable management of mangroves provides co-benefits for various stakeholders throughout the NBS-LME and across the planet by providing a range of ecosystem services (e.g., carbon sequestration combating global climate change), CI’s initial focus for the project is identifying a financial strategy for the conservation and restoration of mangroves to improve coastal resilience in Guyana and Suriname through the development of symbiotic green-grey infrastructure.

Year: 2019
Author: Caso, A., Dahan, E., de Niese, A., Landgreen, I., Navarro, M., Valdez, Y.
Keywords: mangroves
       8                          Report issue

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