Preparation for Gender – Analysis: Report on Gender “Meet and Greet” sessions
The Gender “Meet & Greet” sessions detailed here represent an occasion in which CERMES has had to utilise an online mode of delivery for a project element based on project country protocols and restrictions associated with the current pandemic. They also provided the opportunity for collaboration and synergy building with FAO Implementing gender aspects within the Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) Guidelines and the protocol to the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP) for securing SSF (SSF Gender project). Four Gender “Meet & Greet” sessions with fisherfolk organisation leaders from Jamaica, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Guyana were initiated for mutual familiarisation between the CERMES project team and fisherfolk leaders; to inform fisherfolk leaders of project activities; and to gain support for the upcoming gender analyses required for the identification of capacity gaps of men and women, especially youth, in relation to fisherfolk leadership. These StewardFish sessions were deliberately named “Meet & Greet” for the purpose of attracting a sizeable number of fisherfolk leaders to participate in informal, but relevant and important, preludes to the gender analyses This “Meet & Greet” model was an overall success in engaging the StewardFish (and SSF Gender) gender analysis target group and can be replicated for use in future project activities. It is highly likely that CERMES will have to implement similar sessions for planned gender analysis individual and group interviews and there is no doubt that gathering information via this means will be successful.