Proposals for a Coordination Mechanism and a Sustainable Financing Plan for Ocean Governance in the CLME+ region Centre of Partnerships for Development
This report is the final deliverable of the consultancy “Proposal on Options for a Permanent Policy Coordination Mechanism and a Sustainable Financing Plan for Ocean Governance in the CLME+ Region”. The mandate of this work directly arises from the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP). The report documents the proposal for a Coordination Mechanism for Integrated Ocean Governance in the CLME+ region, providing background information and clarifications. A draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the establishment of the permanent Coordination Mechanism has been developed and is shared alongside this report (Annex 10). The proposal was discussed among countries during the (virtual) CLME+ Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting in June 2020 and constitutes the main output of this consultancy. The development of the proposal has been based on intensive consultations with CLME+ countries, IGOs and further stakeholders between November 2017 and June 2020.