Protocolo para la medición, monitoreo y reporte de la estructura, biomasa y reservas de carbono de los manglares - CLME+ HUB

Protocolo para la medición, monitoreo y reporte de la estructura, biomasa y reservas de carbono de los manglares

The objective of this manual is to provide ideas and methodologies for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of the composition, structure, aerial biomass and carbon stocks of mangrove ecosystems. The sampling design, field measurements, analysis and format for reporting the results shall be described in detail. Although the focus is on mangroves, we also include the basis for monitoring other types of wetlands, including halophile grasses, tulars and zapotons. There are methods for measuring carbon stocks, but the approach of the methodology presented here follows the international standards set out in the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other relevant sources.

Year: 2013
Author: Kauffman, J., Donato, D., Adame, M.
Keywords: blue carbon
       3                          Report issue

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