Recreational Fisheries Economic Impact Assessment Manual And Its Application in Two Study Cases In The Caribbean: Martinique And Bahamas - CLME+ HUB

Recreational Fisheries Economic Impact Assessment Manual And Its Application in Two Study Cases In The Caribbean: Martinique And Bahamas

The paper presents a manual to assess the economic impact of recreational fisheries and its application in two Caribbean countries: The Bahamas and Martinique. The manual was developed with the assistance from the Gertner Consulting Group and the WECAFC/OPESCA/ CRFM/ CFMC working group on recreational fisheries. This manual is intended to help countries better understand the size and contributions from recreation fishing to their economies. The results are meant to explain the economic impacts at the national and regional level.

Year: 2016
Author: Southwick, R., Maycock, D., Bouaziz, M.
Keywords: case study, fisheries
       3                          Report issue

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