Regional Action Plan On Marine Litter Management (RAPMaLi) For The Wider Caribbean Region 2014
This document provides an update to the 2008 “Marine Litter in the Wider Caribbean: A Regional Overview & Action Plan” (RAPMaLi). The regional overview and development of the 2008 RAPMaLi was part of an initiative conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme-Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP-CAR/RCU) with financial support from UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme and the UNEP Global Programme of Action. This update was commissioned by United Nations Environment Programme Caribbean/ Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP CAR/RCU). Primary research and survey analysis was conducted by Jamilla Sealy and Waynelle Collymore-Taylor of the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN). Contributing author, Emily Franc, Johns Hopkins University, also provided extensive writing, research, case studies, and editing of this document.