Regional Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in WECAFC Member Countries (2019-2029)
This Regional Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing (RPOA-IUU) recognizes the negative impacts of IUU fishing on the marine environment, the economic development and the social well-being of coastal communities in the WECAFC area of competence. The objective of the RPOA-IUU is to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing in the area of competence of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) through effective regional cooperation among its 34 Member States and other sub-regional organizations. The plan further contributes to the Commission’s overall objective of promoting the effective conservation, management and development of the living marine resources in the WECAFC area, in accordance with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and addressing common problems of fisheries management and development faced by Members of the Commission.