Report of First Meeting Of The Regional Fisheries Data And Statistics Working Group (FDSWG) Barbados, 14–16 May 2018
This is the report of the1st Meeting of the WECAFC-CRFM-OSPESCA Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS-WG) convened 14–16 May 2018 in Barbados (West Indies), established as per decision of the 16th Commission meeting of the Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission (WECAFC). The event served as the first Meeting of the joint Regional FDS-WG of the WECAFC, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), and the Organization for Fisheries and Aquaculture for Central America (OSPESCA). Experts from 16 members of WECAFC participated. Staff and resource persons from FAO and NOAA also contributed.