Report of the Final Regional Workshop: Case Study on Shared Stocks of The Shrimp And Ground Fisheries of The Guinas-Brazil Shelf Report No. 10 - CLME+ HUB

Report of the Final Regional Workshop: Case Study on Shared Stocks of The Shrimp And Ground Fisheries of The Guinas-Brazil Shelf Report No. 10

The purpose of the case study on Shared Stocks of the Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries of the Guianas-Brazil Shelf was to fill knowledge gaps, contribute to the final CLME Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and to the Strategic Action Programme (SAP), with priority actions to be undertaken to ensure the sustainability of the shrimp and groundfish fisheries. Another objective was to mainstream the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) in the management of shrimp and groundfish fisheries. Both objectives were addressed through assessments/studies at the national and regional levels, with the participation of stakeholders and following some of the key steps of the planning process under an EAF framework.

Year: 2012
Author: FAO
Keywords: case study
       4                          Report issue

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