Report of the Inception Workshop for the Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) project - CLME+ HUB

Report of the Inception Workshop for the Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) project

In 2013, countries bordering and/or located within the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ region) adopted a 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ SAP). The StewardFish project is aimed at implementing the CLME+ SAP within seven Caribbean countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines) by empowering fisherfolk throughout fisheries value chains to engage in resource management, decision-making processes and sustainable livelihoods, with strengthened institutional support at all levels. The Inception Workshop for the Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) project was convened at United Nations House, in Barbados, from 13 to 14 September 2018. In attendance, were representatives of the fisheries authorities (national executing partners) from the seven project countries, five regional executing partner organizations (CANARI, CERMES-UWI, CNFO, CRFM, WECAFC), fisherfolk leaders from national fisherfolk organizations/lead primary fisherfolk organizations in the project countries as well as representatives from other fisheries-related national and regional agencies. The overall objective of the workshop was to bring together key partners and stakeholders who would be involved in the delivery of the project to ensure that there was a common understanding of the project objectives, components, outcomes, outputs and planned activities as well as the roles and responsibilities of all partners. Achievements of the workshop included (i) review and agreement on the project institutional and implementation arrangements; (ii) review and agreement on the project components, outcomes, outputs and planned activities and the results matrix; (iii) review and adjustments to country work plans; (iv) mapping out of the LOAs; and (iv) review and agreement on the monitoring and evaluation mechanism.

Year: 2020
Author: FAO
Keywords: C-SAP, fisheries
       4                          Report issue

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