State of the Marine Environment and Associated Economies in the OECS Sub-region (OECS SOMEE)
The implementation of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) Strategic Action Plan (SAP) throughout the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), including the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), has as part of its mandate, the development of an integrated reporting mechanism on the State of the Marine Environment and Associated Economies (SOMEE). In this regard, the OECS through this consultancy – Preparation of Inputs to CLME+ State of the Marine Environment and associated Economies (SOMEE) Report and the Implementation of the CLME+ Strategic Action – has developed an OECS SOMEE for its Member States utilizing the Driver (D) - Pressure (P) - State (S) - Impact (I) - Response (R) (DPSIR) Analytical Framework to describe the status of coastal and marine habitats and fish stocks, effects of marine pollution and other drivers and pressures such as climate change, and matters relating to socioeconomic, management processes and principles, international commitments, and governance.