Stewardfish: Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries
Who? 23 representatives including 7 Mentors, 6 Mentees (National/Lead Primary FFOs) and 10 Fisheries Department representatives from the project countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Why? To orient the mentors, FFO representatives and lead contacts from fisheries agencies to conduct organisational capacity assessments for FFOs, provide FFO organisational strengthening and participatory institutional mechanisms for effective collaboration between fisheriesrelated agencies and FFOs. How? A four-day training workshop from 29th October – 1 November 2019, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines facilitated by CANARI. Results The 23 representatives who participated in the training workshop: ✓ Strengthened their skills and knowledge in conducting organisational needs assessments, financial sustainability for fisherfolk organisations, good governance, participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning – particularly in the context of capacity building for stewardship practical actions. ✓ Benefited from peer learning through sharing experiences and perspectives as professionals within fisheries agencies and fisherfolk organisations along with their country mentors. ✓ Strengthened their relationships with each other which has benefits for regional sharing and learning as the project progresse