Study on Ocean in the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs)
The Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union (OCTs) make up a group of currently 25 countries and territories which, despite a number of differences between them, have a lot in common (e.g. insular micro-economies, a rich biodiversity, etc.). The Global objective of the study is to provide inputs as a basis for a discussion for the development of an OCTs joint approach to an Ocean Policy by: 1) benchmarking where the OCTs stand - individually - in terms of developing an Ocean agenda as well as their individual contribution to SDG 14 and Aichi targets. To identify the stakeholders responsible for related public policy and/or actions carried in the OCTs; 2) identifying EU and international, public and private, funding opportunities on ocean-related issues, and produce a mapping; 3) identifying topics of interest and common priorities for the OCTs and formulate recommendations to develop a common strategy that may encompasses specific recommendations per geographical area linked to regional strategies and programmes implemented by regional organizations; and 4) providing an overview of other ocean related global and EU initiatives and networks in which OCTA or the OCTs could take part.