Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations: resolution / adopted by the UN General Assembly 63/214 - CLME+ HUB

Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations: resolution / adopted by the UN General Assembly 63/214

In this resolution the General Assembly called on the United Nations system and the international community to assist, as appropriate, Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in their efforts to ensure the protection and sustainable management of the Caribbean Sea, and requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its sixty-fifth session on the status of the implementation of the said resolution, and to include “a section on the possible legal and financial implications of the concept of the Caribbean Sea as a special area within the context of sustainable development, including its designation as such without prejudice to relevant international law, taking into account the views expressed by Member States and relevant regional organizations.”

Year: 2009
Author: UN General Assembly
       4                          Report issue

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