Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations: resolution / adopted by the UN General Assembly 71/224
In this resolution the General Assembly recognized that the Caribbean Sea was an area with unique biodiversity and highly fragile ecosystems and that, when compared with all other marine ecosystems, was surrounded by the largest number of countries in the world, many of which rely heavily on the marine environment for economic growth and sustainable development. The Assembly welcomed the continued efforts of Caribbean States to develop and implement regional initiatives to promote the sustainable conservation and management of coastal and marine resources and recalled the creation of the Caribbean Sea Commission of the Association of Caribbean States. In that regard, the Assembly invited the international community and the United Nations system to enhance their support to Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in efforts to implement the plan of action adopted by the Commission. The General Assembly also invited the Association to submit a report to the Secretary-General on progress made in implementation of the resolution, for consideration by the Assembly at its seventy-third session.