WECAFC Fishery Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS WG) - First meeting of the WECAFC Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (Presentation) - CLME+ HUB

WECAFC Fishery Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS WG) – First meeting of the WECAFC Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (Presentation)

Presentation of The First meeting of the WECAFC Fisheries Data and Statistics Working group. Objectives of the 1st meeting of the FDS WG are: • Develop consensus upon the WG ToR and outline the priorities in supporting collection of fisheries data and statistics in the WECAFC region; • Review and validate minimum data requirements in support to fisheries management and stock assessment with related policies and guidelines for implementation; • Review existing technical solutions developed to collate and share minimum data requirements (Regional Databas • Identify priorities (in terms of filling gaps in knowledge on a variety of topics, species, fisheries, and ecosystems) for fisheries data collection and statistical analysis in the WECAFC area.

Year: 2018
Author: Cummings, N.
       4                          Report issue

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