Displaying 893 results.

Sustainable Management of The Shared Marine Resources of The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions – Final Report of Project Manager
This Final report of the “CLME” Project done by the project manager explains the main activities undertaken by the project coordinating unit, as well, as the challenges encountered and the key lessons learned.
Author: CLME PCU
Year: 2007
Keywords: LME, Large Marine Ecosystems, marine habitats

TdR Grupo de Políticas de Pesca y Acuicultura(GTPP)
Year: 2015
Keywords: Terminos de referencia politicas de pesca y acuicultura Aquaculture, Working Group, fisheries

TdR Grupo de Trabajo de Pesca Deportiva (OSPESCA)
Year: 2016
Keywords: TdR Grupo de Trabajo de Pesca Deportiva OSPESCA Ecosystem Based Management, Recreational Fisheries, Working Group

TdR Grupo de Trabajo Regional de Tiburones y Especies Altamente Migratorias (GTEAM)
Keywords: TDR ospesca tiburones grupo de trabajo Ecosystem Based Management, Sharks, Working Group

TdR Igualdad de Genero (OSPESCA)
Year: 2016
Keywords: TdR Igualdad de Genero (OSPESCA) Ecosystem Based Management, Gender Mainstreaming, Igualdad de Genero

Tenth Session Of The Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) – WECAFC
This Regional Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing (RPOA-IUU) recognizes the negative impacts of IUU fishing on the marine environment, the economic development and the social wellbeing of coastal communities in the WECAFC area of competence. The objective of the RPOA-IUU is to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing in the area of competence of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) through effective regional cooperation among its 34 Member States and other subregional organizations.
Year: 2019

Terminal Reports (For External Projects Only) Implementing Organization: FoProBiM Project No. :SSFA/2012/DEPI/CAR/0006 Project Title: Management and Conservation of Reef Biodiversity and Reef Fisheries Pilot Project, Caracol Bay, Haiti
Keywords: Management and Conservation of Reef Biodiversity and Reef Fisheries Pilot Project, Caracol Bay, Haiti

Terms of Reference (ToR) Queen Conch 2019
Year: 2019
Keywords: Terms of Reference (ToR) Queen Conch 2019 queen conch

Terms of Reference (ToR) Shrimp and groundfish working group (2019)
Some shrimp and groundfish resources are transboundary and therefore the TORs may apply at sub-regional and/or national levels as appropriate. The working group, with the support of FAO, WECAFC Secretariat, CRFM and UNEP-CEP, will act in an advisory capacity to guide and facilitate the sustainable management of the shrimp and groundfish resources.
Author: FAO
Year: 2019
Keywords: Shrimp and Groundfish working group Shrimp and groundfish

Terms of Reference for the Stakeholder Advisory Group (STAG) of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) Project
A regional Stakeholder Advisory Group (STAG) will be established early in the CLME Project in order to provide input for Project implementation and in particular the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP). The STAG will ensure that the CLME Project reflects the priorities and opinions of marine resource stakeholders throughout the Caribbean region. The STAG will enable the Project to be fully owned by the region by providing inputs and support to Project developments.
Author: CLME PCU