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Un Tesoro Sumergido Oculto – El Valor de los Pastos Marinos Para el Medio Ambiente y Las Personas – Resumen Para los Encargados de Formular Políticas
Con el presente informe mundial de síntesis se quiere destacar
la singularidad del conjunto de valores que los pastos marinos
proporcionan a las personas de todo el mundo. Su objetivo es
presentar una síntesis con base científica de los numerosos
servicios vinculados a estas plantas y de los riesgos asociados
a su pérdida en esta era de cambio climático y de pérdida y
degradación de hábitats a escala mundial. En este informe
se aportan opciones de gestión y políticas en los planos
local, regional y global, con el objetivo de compartir mejores
prácticas y evitar nuevas pérdidas. También se destacan las
oportunidades que unas medidas de conservación efectivas,
la gestión sostenible y los esfuerzos exitosos de restauración
para los ecosistemas de pastos marinos pueden brindar a los
Gobiernos en el cumplimiento de sus compromisos, metas y
objetivos de política ambiental internacional
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2020
Keywords: Un Tesoro Sumergido Oculto - El Valor de los Pastos Marinos Para el Medio Ambiente y Las Personas - Resumen Para los Encargados de Formular Políticas marine habitats

UNDP GEF PROCARIBE+ PIF (as submitted for consideration by the GEF on 28 april 2021)
Concept note for the proposed 5-year UNDP/GEF regional PROCARIBE+ Project, which aims to give continuity to the implementation of the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme on the marine environment in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ SAP, 2015-2024), building on the achievements of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (2015-2021).
This version is the (pre-clearance) version that was submitted to the GEF Secretariat on 28 April 2021. At this point, formal endorsement letters for the concept note had already been provided by 16 GEF eligible countries from the region.
Author: UNDP
Year: 2021
Keywords: GEF, CLME+, PROCARIBE+, Blue Economy, Ocean Governance, Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Protected Areas, Traceability, Ridge-to-Reef, Source-to-Sea, Marine Data Infrastructure, Caribbean, North Brazil Shelf, Large Marine Ecosystems

UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Participating Countries
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2019
Keywords: UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Participating Countries

UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Participating Countries Map
This map illustrates the participating countries of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project in the Wider Caribbean Region as of November 2019
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2019
Keywords: EAF, EBM, governance

UNEP Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Pilot Reef Fisheries and Biodiversity Project: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt
The purpose of this document is to collate and showcase the best practices and lessons learned under the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) Project’s Pilot Project on Reef Fisheries and Biodiversity. Sharing this information will contribute to strengthening management of the pilot sites and other sites within the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions.
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2013
Keywords: Reef Fisheries and Biodiversity Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem best practices and lessons learned LME, Large Marine Ecosystems

Update on implementing EBM/EAF in the CLME+ region
CERMES conducted another desk study of the status in the CLME+ region to update the 2018 assessment. Data were collected from online resources, and by internet communication with key persons in CLME+ countries and leading organizations. We found, from the limited information available, that most of the 40 states and territories assessed are making incremental progress towards the implementation of EBM/EAF at the national level. For example, in CARICOM, the countries of Belize, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis are where comprehensive EBM is being increasingly demonstrated.
You can access to the CLME+ EBM/EAF Inventory using this link
Author: Cox, S., and Alleyne, K.
Year: 2020
Keywords: Update on implementing EBM/EAF in the CLME+ region

Updated CEP Technical Report No. 33 Land-Based Sources and Activities in The Wider Caribbean Region
This updated report is grouped into six chapters and provides an update on the domestic and industrial pollutant loads discharged in WCR, sanitation coverage expansion and treatment, as well as the pollutant loading from watersheds inflows according to the available information in the WCR countries. Likewise, it presents the projected changes of pollutant loads for the years 2015 and 2020 in fulfilling UN Millennium Development Goals.
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2010

Valuing The Cost and Benefits of Improved Wastewater Management: An Economic Valuation Resource Guide for the Wider Caribbean Region
Wastewater management in the Wider Caribbean Region is a major challenge – the lack of resources and infrastructure to properly treat wastewater has led to water pollution resulting in negative impacts to important coastal and freshwater ecosystems and to human health. Across the region, 80% of domestic wastewater entering the Caribbean Sea remains untreated; 51.5 % of households lack sewer connections; and only 17% of households are connected to acceptable collection and treatment systems (GEF CREW 2012).
Author: Gray, E., Burke, L., Lambert, J., Altamirano, J., and. Mehrhof, W.
Year: 2015

Valuing The Costs and Benefits Of Improved Wastewater Management: An Economic Valuation Resource Guide for the Wider Caribbean Region Part II: Economic Valuation Methodology Guidance
Author: Gray, E., Burke, L., Lambert, J., Altamirano, J., and. Mehrhof, W.
Year: 2015

Waster Treatment Rates in the Wider Caribbean Region
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Waster Treatment Rates in the Wider Caribbean Region