Form PPI Demo - CLME+ HUB

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CLME 09/04/2021


Kindly note that red denotes a mandatory field.

Basic information

Official full name of the project/initiative
Project’s acronym or a shortened project title/name if applicable
Brief description of the project/initiative. Recommended length: no longer than half a page
Full name of project (spanish, if applicable)
Brief description (spanish, if applicable)
Indicate the current status of your project/initiative (please remember to update your project profile as soon as the status of your project/initiative changes)
Official start date of the project/initiative: mm/dd/yyyy
Official end date of the project/initiative: mm/dd/yyyy
Multicountry (regional) is to be used when all participating countries are from the wider Caribbean/CLME+ region, whereas Multicountry (global) is to be used when both a country or countries from within as well as from outside the wider Caribbean/CLME+ region participate.National is to be used when the project is being executed in a single country (the country has to be from the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ region)
Fast select countries:        Wider Caribbean     SICA     CARICOM     OECS     ACP Countries     Reset     Fast select: You can choose one of the following groupings for a faster selection of the participating countries of your project. You can always delete any country not applicable to your project using the "x" on its name
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Please, drag and drop in the following field the official project document (or similar). If your project proposal is currently under development ("pipeline"), you can add a “Concept Note” instead. If the project has been finalized you may wish to add the final report instead

Click to Choose or Drag and drop a file

your image

Contact information

Main agency(s) responsible for the implementation/execution of the Project (please use standard acronyms instead of full names)
Name of the person responsible for keeping this Project Profile updated.
Email of the person responsible for keeping this Project Profile updated.
Please add the contact number following the next format +xx (country code ex. +1, +57) xxxxxxxxx (number)
Please enter the website address, starting with "http://" or "https://" (e.g.
RECOMMENDED: Please, drag and drop in the following field a representative image or logo of your project. We highly recommend to do this because it would be useful in case that your initiative is selected to be shown as a "Featured project" to the world on the CLME+ HUB

Click to Choose or Drag and drop a file

your image

Partners and Funding

Additional entity(s) or organization(s) involved in project execution (please use standard acronyms instead of full names)
Entity(s) and/or Organization(s) funding the project (please use acronyms, when available)
STRONGLY RECOMMEDED - Please provide the official Donor Project ID (E.g. in the case of a GEF project, the GEF Project ID”)
Total amount of Project Grant funds provided by the donor(s)
Co-financing/additional funding provided by other agencies and stakeholders. Please enter a zero (“0”) if this information is not available
DESIRABLE: Please indicate the sum of all contributions (grants and co-financing) NOT provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Strategies and Actions

The CLME+ Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ SAP, 2015-2025) has been politically endorsed to date by 26 countries and 8 overseas territories from the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ region. It aims to assist the region in achieving its’ long-term vision for the marine environment, through 6 Strategies, 4 Sub-Strategies, and a total of 76 priority Actions.
Does your project/initiative contribute to any of the below CLME+ SAP (Sub)-Strategies? (note: for your entry to be valid, your project/initiative will need to contribute to at least one of the Actions from the dropdown list, for each selected (Sub-Strategy)
Please hover the cursor over the icons for a brief description of each SAP Strategy
Please click on the icons to select the actions under the correspondent strategy. Check as many boxes as necessary. You must select at least one action per strategy.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 associated “Sustainable Development Goals” (“SDGs”). Over the next thirteen years, with these new universal Goals, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind. In particular, Goal 14 focusses on Life in our Oceans and Seas.

Which target(s) of Goal 14 does your initiative contribute to?


Goal - 
14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Which (if any) of the other SDGs does this project contribute to?

Other Regional and Global Initiatives

Please indicate if your project contributes to any of the below:

Regional Emerging Issues

The world and the CLME+ region is facing emerging environmental/public health issues, such as, COVID-19, sargassum and marine litter.

Please indicate if your project contributes to any of the below:

For new users: once your account and Project Profiles have been verified, you will be able to access them and edit them at any stage. Inclusion of new projects and updates does not require the administrator approval, therefore, we kindly invite to act on the best interest of the region and to keep your Project Profiles up to date, by e.g. registering any change in project implementation status or contact information, and by uploading major project achievements.

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Welcome to SOMEE

SOMEE content is still under development and is therefore not yet available online. However, you can already check for sample text and materials under the sections in blue text