Insular Caribbean
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Displaying 31-40 of 98 results

Capacity building and increased financing for long term monitoring programmes for coral reefs in the Turks and Caicos Islands
Brief Description:The project is aimed to provide sufficient knowledge to develop effective monitoring programmes and improve communication for strengthening management of coral reefs. It will also promote the application of sound scientific findings to guide decision making and investment in natural resource management using the Princess Alexandra Land and Sea National Park as a pilot site. A review of long-term revenue streams for monitoring along with the knowledge from the training course will serve to develop indicators that demonstrate the environmental “return on investment” in nature management. These products will be used to define the necessary steps for the long-term implementation of the monitoring programme and protocol in the pilot site, and scaling up long-term monitoring efforts in the TCI. This is a Best 2 Initiative project.
Lead Organization: Wolfs CompanyDonor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: OngoingLast Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2017-01-03
End Date: 2018-01-01 -
Understanding the East Caicos KBA's corals and coast: A key to safeguarding TCI's future
Brief Description:The project aims to address the current limitations of management and monitoring policy and improve long-term conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services within East Caicos’ coral reef ecosystems through the development of conservation zones and management and monitoring protocols. The selection of conservation zone classifications will be based on multi-criteria evaluation, which incorporates 16 ecosystem service and biodiversity values and quantitative and qualitative assessment based on Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) Caribbean methods. Conservation zone classifications and management and monitoring protocols will be agreed via workshops with the TCI management authority (DECR) and local stakeholders. This is a Best 2 Initiative project.
Lead Organization: The Turks & Caicos Reef Fund (TCRF)Donor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2017-01-01
End Date: 2017-01-12 -
Management of invasive lionfish hotspots: Conservation of biodiversity on mesophotic coral ecosystems in Bermuda
Brief Description:This project aims to demonstrate that targeted removal of invasive lionfish will reduce the pressure on local fish populations, resulting in the preservation of localised reef fish diversity. In addition, it will promote the creation of a sustainable lionfish fishery through provision of lionfish to local restaurants followed by surveys to determine market demand. This is a BEST 2 initiative project.
Lead Organization: BIOSDonor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2017-01-07
End Date: 2018-01-12 -
Combining local ecological knowledge and ciguatera analysis to rule lionfish toxicity and edibility and catalyse infestation control
Brief Description:Using local ecological knowledge to select a sample of individual lionfish, the project will undertake chemical toxicity analysis to determine their edibility. The results will inform a Humpback whale with calf in Agoa marine mammal sanctuary lionfish control strategy for Saint-Barthélemy. This is a BEST 2 initiative project.
Lead Organization: Agence Territoriale de l'Environnement de Saint-Barthélemy (ATE)Donor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2017-01-04
End Date: 2018-01-09 -
RESCQ Restoration of Ecosystem Services and Coral Reef Quality
Brief Description:The project will restore Elkhorn (Acropora palmata) and Staghorn (A. cervicornis) coral reef zones by establishing a coral nursery on each of the four islands to grow coral fragment and transplantation at selected restoration sites. Genotyping and monitoring of the resilience of coral fragments will be used to maintain genetic diversity within the restored colonies and ensure that the most resilient fragments are transplanted to the restoration sites. Establishing multiple small, genetically diverse populations that will, in time, become sexually reproductive can contribute to species recovery, especially in areas of significant parent population declines. A practical manual for coral reef restoration will be developed to enable the approach to be replicated throughout the region. The project will work to ensure that the nursery facilitates established on each of the islands are self-suf... fficient and thus able to continue the work started by the project. This is a BEST 2 initiative project Read More
Lead Organization: WURDonor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2016-01-05
End Date: 2019-01-05 -
Saving the sea turtles of Anguilla: Combining community action with scientific evidence to drive legislative change
Brief Description:This project seeks to address the current dearth of vital data about sea turtles in order to inform management and conservation on and around Anguilla. Data will be gathered using a capture-tag-and release methodology and used to identify important foraging and nesting sites. Threats to sea turtles will be assessed and mitigation plan developed. On the basis of the information generated by the project and stakeholder consultations, an Anguilla Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan will be completed. The project will also train individuals from Anguilla on the biology and conservation of sea turtles, sea turtle tracking and monitoring and marine spatial planning and data analysis. It will also develop a sea turtle eco-tour guide certification programme and certify at least twenty individuals, including local fishers, as sea turtle ecotour guides. A communications component will promote the need... d for sea turtle conservation. This is a BEST 2 initiative project Read More
Lead Organization: Government of Anguilla, Department of Fisheries and Marine ResourcesDonor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 07/01/2021
Start Date: 2016-01-04
End Date: 2019-01-04 -
Marine Park Aruba
Brief Description:The project established a multi-use marine park for Aruba by enacting the necessary legislation for its creation and put in place the structures for its long-term management by setting-up a management organisation and developing a management plan with stakeholder input to promote nondestructive activities. The park will encompass four Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs): Parke Nacional Arikok; Spaans Lagoen (Spanish Lagoon) and Sero Colorado and Mangel Halto – Isla di Oro. A management plan for each of these KBAs will be developed to guide the maintenance and restoration of their ecosystems, biological diversity and ecological processes along with climate adaptation project plans. A communications plan to build awareness and, most importantly, ownership of the KBAs will form a crucial part of the management and project plans. This is a BEST 2 initiative project.
Lead Organization: The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)Donor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 07/01/2021
Start Date: 2016-01-05
End Date: 2019-01-04 -
Reduction of vulnerability to coastal flooding through ecosystem-based adaptation in the south of Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces
Brief Description:The project will rely on a combination of natural regeneration and artificial regeneration (planting) to achieve the recovery of structure, function and ecosystem services in mangroves and other associated coastal ecosystems along the 84 km long stretch of coastline between Punta Sucia and Punta Mora. This is an area particularly sensible to saline intrusion into its subterranean aquifers, which are vital for the irrigation of the coastal plains, which are some of the most productive agricultural in the country, and as a source of drinking water for the city of Havana. the mangroves of the area also have some of the lowest health indices in the western region of the country.
Lead Organization: CITMA-MINAGRIDonor: Adaptation FundProject Status: OngoingLast Update: 07/01/2021
Start Date: 2014-01-09
End Date: 2020-01-09 -
MANG Giving impetus to a collective movement in favour of the preservation of coastal wetlands in EU overseas territories
Brief Description:The project attempted to addresses the associated shortage of management methods and tools needed to improve coastal wetland conservation, and thus positively impacted all the wetlands in the European ORs (Outermost Regions) and OCTs (Overseas Countries and Territories). These objectives will be achieved through four activities: 1. establishing and promoting a method for site assessment; 2. specifying a participatory and transversal method for coastal wetland management; 3. promoting the adoption of the method; and 4. getting public and private stakeholders involved. The project developed a site assessment method, and communicate it to the stakeholders involved in management and conservation, defined a participative methodology for managing wetlands, communicated these working methodologies to all wetland managers, and facilitate their adoption, and involved the various target groups con... ncerned for better conservation of wetlands. It was developed undet ther BEST 2 (Voluntary scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas) Initiative Read More
Lead Organization: Atelier Technique des Espaces NaturelsDonor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)Project Status: CompletedLast Update: 07/01/2021
Start Date: 2013-01-11
End Date: 2016-01-11 -
CCAP Climate Variability, Change and Adaptation
Brief Description:The goal of the Climate Change Adaptation Program is to reduce risks to human and natural assets resulting from climate change vulnerability. Under this programme, USAID has partnered with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) to address some of the challenges to reduce risks to human and natural assets resulting from climate change vulnerability. The activity aims to strengthen an integrated system for the implementation and financing of sustainable adaptation approaches in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean region. The program is comprised by three components, aimed to: 1) Promotes the use of climate data and information for use in decision-making; 2) Supports innovative adaption approaches which demonstrates proof of concept necessary to secure additional financing; and 3) Fosters climate financing to support scale up and replication of sustainable adaptation initiativ... ves Read MoreLead Organization: Caribbean Community Climate Change CentreDonor: USAIDProject Status: OngoingLast Update: 06/01/2021
Start Date: 2016
End Date: 2020