Grenada NEA Grenada National Ecosystem Assessment: Linking Science and Policy
Brief Description:
Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)
Other Regional and Global Commitments
The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is working with the Government of Grenada to execute a National Ecosystem Assessment of the tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. This project is part of a global initiative on “Supporting decision making and building capacity to support the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) through national ecosystem assessments.”
El Instituto de Recursos Naturales del Caribe (CANARI) está trabajando con el Gobierno de Granada para ejecutar una Evaluación Nacional de Ecosistemas del estado tri-insular de Granada, Carriacou y Petite Martinique. Este proyecto es parte de una iniciativa global sobre \"Apoyo a la toma de decisiones y creación de capacidad para apoyar la Plataforma Intergubernamental sobre Biodiversidad y Servicios de Ecosistemas (IPBES) a través de evaluaciones de ecosistemas nacionales\".
Lead Organization : CANARI
Donor: IKI with support from BMU
Project ID: n/a
Geographic Scope:
Project Status: Ongoing
Start Date: 2018-10-01
End Date: 2023-03-31
Official Project Document: WCMC_project-brief.pdf
Last Update: 09/06/2020
Start Date: 2018-10-01
End Date: 2023-03-31
Official Project Document: WCMC_project-brief.pdf
Project Profile Manager: Dr. Natalie Boodram
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +1-868-638-6062
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +1-868-638-6062
Partners: WCMC
Grant (USD):
Total co-financing (USD):
(Co) financing not originating from GEF:
Participating Country(s):
Contributions to the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (2015-2025)
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Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)
Please click on the SDG14 colored icon to see to which specific SDG14 targets this initiative is contributing.
Other Regional and Global Commitments