Pop-Up Nursery and Coral Restoration: To restore Elkhorn coral populations in a low biodiversity reef area within the Bonaire National Marine Park (BNMP) boundaries and increase species abundance and genotypic diversity
Brief Description:
Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)
Other Regional and Global Commitments
A “pop-up” coral nursery will be set on site and removed at the end of the project allowing, in 8 months, for the propagation of 700 corals of 14 different genotypes, ready for transplantation. The restoration area of approximately 500m2 will be monitored using recently developed 3D modelling technology to quantify several measures of coral growth, abundance and health through an easy-to-use and non-intrusive tool. The monitoring protocol and collected data will be shared with the BNMP and coral restoration projects in the Caribbean to spark the future development of a feasible and standardized monitoring protocol. This is a BEST 2 initiative project.
Se instalará un vivero de corales "emergente" en el lugar y se retirará al final del proyecto, lo que permitirá, en 8 meses, la propagación de 700 corales de 14 genotipos diferentes, listos para el trasplante. El área de restauración de aproximadamente 500m2 será monitoreada utilizando tecnología de modelado 3D desarrollada recientemente para cuantificar varias medidas de crecimiento, abundancia y salud de los corales a través de una herramienta fácil de usar y no intrusiva. El protocolo de monitoreo y los datos recopilados se compartirán con el BNMP y los proyectos de restauración de coral en el Caribe para impulsar el desarrollo futuro de un protocolo de monitoreo factible y estandarizado. Este es un proyecto de iniciativa BEST 2.
Lead Organization : Coral Restoration Foundation Bonaire
Donor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)
Project ID:
Geographic Scope:
Project Status: Completed
Start Date: 2018-01-01
End Date: 2019-01-01
Last Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2018-01-01
End Date: 2019-01-01
Project Profile Manager: Francesca Virdis
Contact Email: francesca@crfbonaire.org
Contact Phone:
Contact Email: francesca@crfbonaire.org
Contact Phone:
Grant (USD):
Total co-financing (USD):
(Co) financing not originating from GEF:
Participating Country(s):
Contributions to the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (2015-2025)

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Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)

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Other Regional and Global Commitments