CLME+ Project: 6 years of continued contributions to the marine environment in review
The CLME+ Project: a review of 6 years of continued contributions towards a healthier marine environment After 6 years of implementation, the UNDP/GEF Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems Project (CLME+) invites the region to review its achievements. In the own words of all its co-executing partners, the project shows its best practices and results on ocean governance, capacity building, implementation of Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) and Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF), sustainable livelihoods, investments for the protection of the marine environment, knowledge management, and joint monitoring. Dive with them in the following video! https://clmeplus.org/app/uploads/docs/CLME-PROJECT-VIDEO.mp4 The Journey Continues In