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Caribbean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem – Sustainable Management of The Shared Marine Resources of The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions

The CLME project responds to the need cited by key decision-makers for attention to the management of shared marine resources in the Caribbean LME and adjacent regions and the call to provide mechanisms facilitating informed decision-making. Typically, the LME approach includes five modules that fo...


Caribbean Spiny Lobster Larval Dispersal Patterns and Larval Retention Areas Map

Larval drift determines the source of recruitment to the fishery, and it is thought that maintaining the lobster population at a particular site may depend on larvae arriving from distant localities. The drift of larvae across political boundaries creates a strong link among the countries that share...


Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Government Members



Caribbean Transport List Deliverable D.3.7

This document contains a list of shipping companies operating in the Caribbean, potential carriers of Ferrybox equipment providing real time and on line data on meteorological and hydrographical conditions in the Caribbean. In a next phase of CLME and IMS/REMP they could be approached to assess thei...


CARICOM Membership as of 2020



CARSEA Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Caribbean – Executive Summary

This project seeks to make use of the many but disparate research results that have accumulated on various aspects of the forces that are impacting the Caribbean Sea and the effects of those driving forces on the capacity of the ecosystem and on human well-being. The assessment will also establis...


Cartagena Convention Ratification and Its Marine Environment Area



Cartagena Convention Ratification Status and Area as of 2019



Case Study For The Shared Stocks Of The Shrimp And Groundfish Fishery Of The Guianas – Brazil Shelf Proposal of National Strategy to Communicate the Ecosystem Approach to Management of the Shrimp and Groundfish fishery of the Guianas -Brazil Shelf

The purpose of the case study on Shared Stocks of the Shrimp and Groundfish Fishery of the Guianas-Brazil Shelf was to fill knowledge gaps, contribute to the final CLME Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and to the Strategic Action Programme (SAP), with priority actions to be undertaken to ensure the...


Case Study on environmental justice through citizen journalism: The Cari-Bois Environmental News Network

The Cropper Foundation has released a case study on environmental justice through citizen journalism. The case study was developed under the project ‘Powering Innovations in Civil Society and Enterprises for Sustainability in the Caribbean (PISCES)’ that aims to support innovative actions by ...


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