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Case Study On The Shared Stocks Of The Shrimp And Ground Fishery Of The Guianias – Brazil Shelf Stakeholder and Institutional Analysis CLME Case Study on shrimp and groundfish.Report No. 3

FAO implemented a “Case Study on Shared Stocks of the Shrimp and Groundfish Fishery of the Guianas-Brazil Shelf” (UNGF/INT/001/OPS) between July 2011 and February 2013, with six participating countries (Brazil, French Guiana (EU/France), Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela). T...


Catalysing Ocean Finance – Volume I Transforming Markets to Restore and Protect the Global Ocean

The world’s oceans and coastal areas are an integral part of life on earth. They are the source of a variety of essential goods and services – including food, transport, oil, gas, and minerals, to name but a few, and also deliver vital ecosystem services such as climate regulation and oxygen pro...


CC4FISH Participating Countries



CCAD Coral Reefs and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)



CEPF Regional Implementation Team in the Caribbean Islands

The roject is aimed to provide strategic leadership and local knowledge to build a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and geographic boundaries toward achieving the conservation goals described in the ecosystem profile for the Caribbean Island Hotspot. Major func...


Challenges to Implementing Regional Ocean Governance in the Wider Caribbean Region

For over two decades, the countries, subregional and regional level intergovernmental organizations in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) have been engaged in an initiative to implement a regional governance approach for managing the shared living marine resources of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent reg...


Champions in coordination

[to be developed]...


Chapter 3: Sub-ecosystem: coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds (SOMME test)

Disclaimer Please be advised that this SOMEE online portal is currently under development and is being displayed for demonstration purposes only. All content herein is subject to change and should not be quoted or referenced except for the purposes of giving feedback to the developers of this site....


Chapter 7: Coastal and Marine Resources

The coastal and marine resources in the CARICOM region are of critical importance. As most of the Member States are either small-island or low-lying coastal states, the issues affecting them are similar in nature, though different in magnitude...


Characterization Form for Defining the Costs and Benefits of Domestic Wastewater Management



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