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The Wider Caribbean region is full of innovative people who work every day for the oceans’ health and to enhance the sustainability of our resources and the well-being of those who depend on them. Dive into the their experiences.
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News, stories and more...
The CLME+ Project: a review of 6 years of continued...
The new UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project started its preparation phase in...
UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project – UNEP CEP: Learn about the work...
The conference will highlight the emerging policy, explore issues related...
This course provides understandings of transboundary freshwater governance in theory...
#BE: CLME+ Project The vital need to enhance economic growth...
The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is pleased to announce...
Se llevó a cabo el lanzamiento del proyecto “Vida Manglar”...
High-resolution maps of the underwater habitats of the entire Caribbean...
The treatment of fishing subsidies is a top-order issue for...
The second UNEP/IOC-UNESCO webinar took place on 21 July 2020...
What do the UNDP/GEF Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) Project,...
#OSPESCA: Cada uno de los actores a nivel gubernamental y...
#PressRelease Civil society sets priorities to support management of shared marine resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large...
Trinidad and Tobago is using ecosystem-based management to reduce organic pollution and pesticides from agricultural activities. This is a coordinated...
The glory of the world’s oceans could be restored within a generation, according to a major new scientific review. It...
#JointStatement CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism Joint Statement March 2020 From 18 to 20 March 2020, the Members and...
#PressRelease Civil society sets priorities to support management of shared marine resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large...
Trinidad and Tobago is using ecosystem-based management to reduce organic pollution and pesticides from agricultural activities. This is a coordinated...
Map showing portion of earth’s oceans are considered important and are good candidates for protection.
OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation, and sustainable development. It aims to build and maintain a global...
EPI provides a data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world. Using 32 performance indicators across 11 issue categories, the EPI ranks 180...
In the “Science of Where” podcast Esri team talks to business and technology leaders who share analysis, insights, and stories on data science, the Internet...
The SDG Knowledge Hub is an online resource center for news and commentary regarding the implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,...
The CLME+ Hub and the wider Caribbean by IW:LEARN on Exposure Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email
Map showing portion of earth’s oceans are considered important and are good candidates for protection.
OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation, and sustainable development. It aims to build and maintain a global...
The Strategic Action Programme (SAP) was developed under the CLME...
“CLME+ Ocean Governance Briefs” document progress towards interactive ocean governance....
The CLME+ Civil Society Action Programme (C-SAP) provides a framework...
The Strategic Action Programme (SAP) was developed under the CLME...
“CLME+ Ocean Governance Briefs” document progress towards interactive ocean governance....
Trinidad and Tobago is using ecosystem-based management to reduce organic pollution and pesticides from agricultural activities. This is a coordinated effort between...
Trinidad and Tobago is using ecosystem-based management to reduce organic pollution and pesticides from agricultural activities. This is a coordinated effort between...
Trinidad and Tobago is using ecosystem-based management to reduce organic pollution and pesticides from agricultural activities. This is a coordinated effort between...
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