Biodiversity for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean through Ecosystem Based Management - CLME+ HUB

EBM-DSS    Biodiversity for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean through Ecosystem Based Management verify

Brief Description:
Develop partnerships to increase of technical skills on MPA management and enhanced the use of the methodological and operational tool for EBM-Decision Support System (EBM-DSS), providing decision makers with truly systemic objective planning and management capacities for sustainable development. The CaMPAM MPA database was significantly improved. The EBM-DSS tool was successfully applied in the Dominican Republic, in two pilot sites, Puerto Plata and Montecristi, with results emanating priority actions for implementation and monitoring. Training and capacity building were carried out in Spanish and English speaking countries, through the SPAW CaMPAM Programme (22 countries) in the Wider Caribbean, as well as through two main regional workshops carried out in synergy with institutional partners in the region. Dissemination and awareness raising of EBM-DSS were carried through different regional fora during the course of the project, as well as through a Teamwork Platform and short-term social media campaign led by CEP.

Desarrollar alianzas para mejorar las habilidades técnicas en la gestión de las AMPs y el uso de una herramienta metodológica y operativa para el Sistema de Apoyo a la Toma de Decisión EBM (EBM-DSS), proporcionando a los tomadores de decisiones capacidades de planificación y gestión objetivas verdaderamente sistémicas para el desarrollo sostenible. La base de datos de AMP de CaMPAM se fortalecio significativamente. La herramienta EBM-DSS se aplicó con éxito en la República Dominicana, en dos sitios piloto, Puerto Plata y Montecristi, con resultados que emanan acciones prioritarias para su implementación y monitoreo. La capacitación y el desarrollo de capacidades se llevaron a cabo en países de habla hispana e inglesa, a través del Programa SPAW CaMPAM (22 países) en el Gran Caribe, así como a través de dos talleres regionales principales realizados en sinergia con socios institucionales en la región. La difusión y la sensibilización de EBM-DSS se llevaron a cabo a través de diferentes foros regionales durante el curso del proyecto, así como a través de una Plataforma de trabajo en equipo y una campaña de redes sociales a corto plazo dirigida por el CEP.
Lead Organization : UNEP-CEP
Donor: Italian Government, Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) , IUCN-ORMACC , OSPAR
Project ID: DA/2014/DEPI/CAR/RCU
Geographic Scope: Multicountry (regional)
Project Status: Completed
   Last Update: 14/07/2020

Start Date: 2015-06-15
End Date: 2019-11-30
Official Project Document: EBM-DSS-project-final-report_Nov_2-revision.doc
Project Profile Manager: Ileana Lopez
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Partners: Proges Planning and Development Consulting (PROGES), Regional Activity Centre for SPAW Protocol (SPAW-RAC, Guadeloupe), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) in Dominican Republic, Reef Check Dominican Republic, CERMES-UWI, Barbados), IUCN Biopama Project, Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI), Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Conserving North-East Atlantic and its Resources commission (OSPAR)
Grant (USD): $1,836,739.00
Total co-financing (USD): $70,586.00
(Co) financing not originating from GEF: $1,907,330.00
Participating Country(s):
 Antigua and Barbuda  Aruba  Bahamas  Barbados  Belize  Bonaire  Colombia  Costa Rica  Cuba  Dominican Republic  Grenada  Jamaica  Panama  Puerto Rico  Saba  Sint Eustatius  Sint Marteen  Trinidad and Tobago
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