Gender Mainstreaming Initiative Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Fisheries in the Caribbean
Brief Description:
Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)
Other Regional and Global Commitments
The Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Fisheries in the Caribbean project aims to improve sustainable fisheries for vulnerable populations in the Caribbean, particularly women and girls, in order to advance gender issues, decent work and youth involvement in sustainable development of fisheries, and comply with the policy statement issues in the 8th Special Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, which states the following: “the Council accepted that international and national norms regarding issues pertaining to gender, youth, and decent work be adhered to, and be incorporated into all CRFM policies, protocols, programmes and plans”. In this context, UNDP, as a strong UN system organization, already well established in the region, and with strong networks and multi-country projects and programmes across and between the Caribbean SIDS, will implement the resources from Global Affairs Canada, through an existing agreement with CRFM as a delivery mechanism with its 17 AOSIS member states. In this regard, the project will benefit the fisheries sector of the 17 CRFM Member States, specifically fisherfolk, national fisheries agencies and regional organisations charged with supporting fisheries management development in those countries Project Strategy Rationale The project will unite efforts within the already existing CLME+ sub-project “EAF for the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish” and the Interim Fisheries Coordination Mechanism to build upon these activities, to include gender mainstreaming activities, indicators and results. Given the over-arching goal of the CLME+ project of maximized, sustainable contributions from the resource to human well-being in the region, focus will be on implementation of gender mainstreaming activities, within the components of the already existing flyingfish sub-project, noting that the flyingfish supports important small-scale fisheries in the region, where women have an important role in the processing sector. Outcomes, Outputs and activities Outcome 1. Improved governance for gender – responsive fisheries planning and decision making. Empowering fishery organizations to actively participate in policy dialogue and fisheries governance mechanisms, enabling meaningful participation of women, and youth, and organizing age and gender-sensitive management and leadership trainings. Activities under this outcome are: 1. Determine what gender-related data/research would be most appropriate at this time for “spring-boarding” the development of an evidenced-based gender mainstreaming strategy for fisheries and aquaculture 2. Based on assessments of institutional arrangements (policies, legislation, plans, etc.) to identify the decent work and gender issues/gaps: initiate programmes to create awareness about them; and, devise a strategy/plan for its implementation. 3. Collaboration with CARICOM Secretariat and UN bodies, including UN Women and FAO to lead the effort to develop a gender evaluation tool (or adapt existing ones) to undertake the assessment mentioned. 4. Coordinate identification / appointment of gender focal point in national fisheries authorities, fisheries advisory committees, sustainable ocean governance teams, fisherfolk organisations and other fisheries related agencies and institutional arrangements; and, support their participation in gender workshops or initiatives to further build their capacity to address gender issues, including youth and decent work. 5. Promote application of social science and gender expertise requirements to the recruitment of new staff in CRFM and national and regional fisheries organisations. 6. Develop/adapt and adopt a core set of appropriate indicators in regional strategic programmes (to be used in CLME+ State of the Environment reporting and information portals) 7. Support countries with revision of fisheries and other sector plans along the lines of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) enlightenment and through a gender, decent work and youth lens to ensure integration into the overall national framework(s), in place to address these social issues. 8. Review countries’ compliance with international instruments (such as CEDAW) in relation to fisheries Outcome 2. Enhanced national capacities for mainstreaming gender into fisheries management. Activities under these outcomes are: 1. Organise, in collaboration with appropriate national agencies, awareness training for CRFM and Fisheries Departments/ Division staff, as well as executives of fisherfolk organisations 2. Offer gender-aware capacity development such as fisherfolk leadership courses to actively address equity/equality issues 3. Assist with establishment of regional and national monitoring and evaluation systems to track gender equality and decent work achievements, as well as youth involvement 4. Capture and document traditional knowledge from men and women on aquatic living resource management and fishing techniques 5. Develop updated, broadened and gendered (as appropriate) management recommendations that take into account feasible options for enhanced livelihoods and human well-being 6. Develop, implement and evaluate business proposal aimed at increasing either market or livelihood opportunities from current levels, with special attention to the role of women 7. Train participants in 3 major fishing communities in new business and management skills during implementation phase of business proposal
Lead Organization : CRFM
Donor: Global Affairs Canada
Project ID: 00085866
Geographic Scope:
Multicountry (regional)
Project Status: Ongoing
Start Date: 2019-10-22
End Date: 2020-11-30
Official Project Document: Gender-Mainstreaming-Initiative-CRFM-Canada-Funds-28Mar2019.docx
Last Update: 16/03/2020
Start Date: 2019-10-22
End Date: 2020-11-30
Official Project Document: Gender-Mainstreaming-Initiative-CRFM-Canada-Funds-28Mar2019.docx
Project Profile Manager: Peter A Murray
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Partners: UNOPS
Grant (USD):
Total co-financing (USD):
(Co) financing not originating from GEF:
Participating Country(s):
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Contributions to the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (2015-2025)

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Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)

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Other Regional and Global Commitments