PROCARIBE+ PPG Meetings and Documents - CLME+ HUB

PROCARIBE+ PPG Meetings and Documents

UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project PPG Meetings and Documents

PROCARIBE+ Project PPG Preparatory Meeting, July 14-15, 2021

The following materials are provided in support of the PROCARIBE+ PPG Preparatory Meeting, 14-15 July, 2021. They include the Agenda, Meeting Documents structured per Agenda Item, Reference Documents and Resources/Documentation. Should you have any questions regarding these documents or the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact the PROCARIBE+  Coordination Unit at

Meeting Agenda
Meeting AgendaENES
Meeting Materials (Per Agenda Item)
Agenda Item 1: Overview of the PROCARIBE+ Concept Note and Approach for Execution of PPG Phase
Meeting Recording: Welcoming RemarksENES
Agenda Item 1.1 – Overview of the PROCARIBE+ Concept NoteEN ES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 1.1ENES
Agenda Item 1.2. From PPG Release to Project Start: Process, Timeline and MilestonesEN ES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 1.2ENES
Agenda Item 2: Approach towards Project Governance and Management
Agenda Item 2.1.a Lessons learnt from CLME and CLME+ ProjectsENES
Agenda Item 2.1.b: Proposed Approach to Project Governance and Management for maximum impact and sustainabilityENES
Annex to Agenda Item 2.1.b: PROCARIBE+ Governance DiagramENES
Agenda Item 2.1.c: Coordination with other projects & initiativesENES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 2.1ENES
Agenda Item 3: Development of the Project Document and GEF Submission Package
Meeting Recoding: Welcome and Summary of Day 1ENES
Agenda Item 3.1: Proposed approach towards development of the UNDP Project Document and the GEF CEO endorsement packageENES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 3.1ENES
Agenda Item 3.2: Proposed approach to regional and country-level stakeholder mapping and engagement:ENES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 3.2ENES
Agenda Item 4: Country and (prospective) Partner Engagement during PPG
Agenda Item 4.1: Overview of what is needed from countries and prospective partner organisations during PPGENES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 4.1ENES
Agenda Item 4.2: Ensuring ownership and participation during the PPG: use of digital technology (proposed approach)ENES
Annex to agenda Item 4.2: Assestment of sofwares for PROCARIBE+ PPG PhaseENES
Meeting Recording of Agenda Item 4.2ENES

PROCARIBE+ PPG Meeting Materials, Project Validation Process Regional Workshop, March 15-16, 2022

The following materials are provided in support of the PROCARIBE+ PPG Regional Workshop on the Project Validation Process held virtually the 15th-16th of March, 2022. They include the Agenda, Meeting Documents structured per Agenda Item, Reference Documents and Resources/Documentation. Should you have any questions regarding these documents or the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact the PROCARIBE+  Coordination Unit at


Meeting Agenda
Meeting AgendaENES
Meeting Materials (Per Agenda Item)
Brief recap: the PROCARIBE+ Proposal: Objective and main project components and outputsENES
Agenda Item 1: Status of the PROCARIBE+ PPG process: timeline, progress to date, pending matters, role and scope of the validation process, challenges and risks
Agenda Item 1.1 – From PPG release to Project start: tentative timeline (target dates)EN ES
Agenda Item 1.2. – Status of the PPG Process: Main activities to date. Overall status of the development of the Submission (Project Document, CEO Endorsement Request, Annexes). Challenges and RisksEN ES
Agenda Item 1.3 – The review and validation process explained. The Proposed Way ForwardENES
Agenda Item 2: Presentation (for (pre-)Validation) of substantial/key elements of the project proposal
Agenda Item 2.1 – Selection of the proposed PROCARIBE+ intervention sites: Logic and criteriaENES
Agenda Item 2.2 – Results Framework: Outcomes, Outputs, Proposed Activities and Stakeholders/Beneficiaries: Components 1 and 4ENES
Agenda Item 2.3 – Results Framework: Outcomes, Outputs, and Proposed Activities and Stakeholders/Beneficiaries: Component 3ENES
Agenda Item 2.4. – Results Framework: Outcomes, Outputs, and Proposed Activities and Stakeholders/Beneficiaries: Component 2ENES
Agenda Item 2.5. – Project Governance and Management Arrangements ENES
Agenda Item 2.6 – Development of the project budget: Status and proposed way forwardENES
Agenda Item 2.7 – Co-financing commitments: Status and proposed way forwardENES
Annex 1 to Agenda Item 2.7 – Cofinancing letter template PROCARIBE+ENES
Annex 2 to Agenda Item 2.7 – PROCARIBE+ Co-financing per OutputENES
Agenda Item 3: Decision on the Way Forward (“ensuring the successful submission and endorsement of PROCARIBE+”)
Agenda Item 3.1 – Consolidated proposal on the way forwardENES

Nominations for the PPG Phase Committee and Thematic Groupings of the UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project

As was presented and discussed at the PPG Preparatory Meeting held on July 14-15, 2021, a PPG Development Committee and several Thematic Groupings will be established to assist the PPG team with the development of the PROCARIBE+ Project Document (“ProDoc”) and all associated documentation and to ensure country ownership during the process. 

The PPG Development Committee and Thematic Groupings will be used to engage national representatives during the PPG through participation in questionnaires, online discussions using digital platforms, email exchanges, or other means. The PPG Coordination Unit (CU) may also organise virtual meetings with National Representatives when those are considered useful. 

More information regarding the PPG Development Committee and Thematic Groupings to be created, as well as instructions on how to nominate representatives can be found in this document and in this presentation. 

The table below presents the countries and organizations of the CLME+ region that have already submitted their nominations for the PPG Development Committee and Thematic Groupings. If you have any questions and/or want to submit  a nomination please contact 

TypeCommitteeTitle (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr...)Surname(s)Name(s)Organization (Ministry, Department, Unit...)Function within the OrganizationCountry/ Organization

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