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A Vision for protecting marine resources across the caribbean biological corridor
The primary goal of this project was to set in motion a tri-state marine action plan that identifies common problems across the region, consolidating information, and gathering stakeholder inputfor responding to marine biodiversity loss and climate change adaptation needs from a marine corridor pers...Documents

Acciones en el sector pesquero y acuícola ante la enfermedad COVID-19
#OSPESCA: Cada uno de los actores a nivel gubernamental y en cada eslabón de la cadena de la pesca y la acuicultura, vienen realizando acciones importantes que contribuyen de manera significativa en el proceso de suministros de pescado en pro de la seguridad alimentaria y en beneficio de los pescad...Featured

Action Plan for the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean
This document describes the Action Plan that the region wishes to undertake for the next ten years promote, improve, accelerate and scale up ecosystem restoration in the region. It is a regional level voluntary effort that focuses on cooperation mechanisms and enabling conditions designed to effecti...Documents
Adapting to a new reality: Managing responses to influxes of Sargassum seaweed in the Eastern Caribbean as ecosystem hazards and opportunities
The project is aimed to reduce the impacts of and improve adaptation to sargassum influxes in the Eastern Caribbean with emphasis on converting a climate-linked ecosystem hazard into an asset that supports opportunities for socio-economic development. It is comprised by three components: 1) To dev...Project
Adaptive capacity for MPA governance in the eastern Caribbean
The objective of this project was to strengthen adaptive capacity building for the governance of MPAs in the eastern Caribbean based on resilience thinking in: 1) Develop the adaptive capacity of key stakeholders in Grenada for MPA governance mainly through four linked training workshops with follow...Project

Addendum #1 to The MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Establishing the Interim Coordination Mechanism for the Sustainable Management, Use and Protection of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems
This addendum to the MoU of the CLME+ ICM expands its lifespan beyond the termination date of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (i.e. 30 October 2021) and formalizes the accession of UN ECLAC as a Party to the MOU and therefore a member of the Interim Coordination Mechanism for the Sustainable Management, ...Documents

Agreement Establishing – The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
This Document Shows the Agreement Establishing The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism....Documents

Aguas Residuales El recurso Desaprovechado – Informe Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Desarrollo de los Recursos Hídricos 2017
En la edición 2017 del Informe Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Desarrollo de los Recursos Hídricos (WWDR) se analiza la temática de aguas residuales y su potencial como recurso sostenible. En el Informe Mundial sobre Desarrollo de los Recursos Hídricos 2017 se demuestra que una mejor ...Documents

Aguas Residuales: De Residuo a Recurso
A nivel mundial, la mayor parte de las aguas residuales no se recoge ni se somete a ningún tratamiento. Las aguas residuales son un recurso valioso, pero a menudo son vistas como una carga de la que hay que deshacerse. Es necesario cambiar esta percepción....Documents