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CLME+ BASE DE DATOS DE PROYECTOS ¿Su iniciativa contribuye a la visión a largo plazo para la región del Gran Caribe/CLME+: “un medio ambiente marino saludable que ofrezca beneficios y medios de sustento para el bienestar de los pueblos de la región del Gran Caribe y más allá? ¿Se dirige a...Pages

Baseline Inventory of Existing and Potential Sustainable Blue Finance Investors to Support the CLME+ Vision
This document is a baseline inventory of existing and potential sustainable blue finance investors to support the CLME+ Vision of “a healthy marine environment providing benefits and livelihoods for the well-being of the people of the region”, and the development of a sustainable Blue Economy in...Documents
Best of sharks and rays in Saint-Barths: To improve the knowledge on sharks and rays and their conservation status in Saint Barthélemy and inform the adjustment of existing, and development of new conservation measures
Fieldwork using Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV), including a new technique to observe pelagic species, will be complemented with fishermen and dive centre surveys on the species’ socio-economic role. Through stakeholder consultations an adapted action plan for sharks and rays will be develop...Project

Biodiversity And Protected Area Management Programme, Phase I
BIOPAMA aims at reinforcing the management and governance of protected and conserved areas in all the 79 ACP countries. By providing unique and tailored support to protected area authorities at the local, national and regional level, it supports them in achieving their conservation objectives and to...Project
Biodiversity And Protected Area Management Programme, Phase II
The objective of the second phase of this project is to further enhance existing local institutions and networks by building their capacity to strengthen policy and to implement well informed decisions on biodiversity conservation and protected areas management, and access and benefit sharing. A new...Project
Biodiversity Conservation in Carriacou through Nesting Sea Turtles and Wetland Bird Monitoring
The project goal is to conserve Carriacou’s nesting sea turtle population and migratory, resident, endemic wetland birds and their habitat in the Petit Carenage nature hot spot, by consistent monitoring, conservation strategies and developing the capacity of community groups in related conservatio...Project